Game Gun technical specifications
gun fit
To give maximum performance in the field, each gun is fitted to the customer by Gallyon approved specialists.
The process begins with a detailed consultation, during which the shooter’s measurements, shooting style, and preferences are carefully assessed. Key dimensions, such as stock length, drop, cast, and pitch, are adjusted to achieve a perfect fit. Gallyon’s skilled craftsmen use precision tools and expertise to shape and balance the stock, ensuring seamless alignment and improved accuracy.
“For the layman it was a mind-boggling experience to see engineering on such a precision scale. An accuracy of two microns is beyond imagination and yet I could see just how sophisticated were your machines and equipment which created, monitored and tested every item. It is no wonder that the new Gallyon gun is of such quality - light years ahead of other gunmakers with regards to attention to detail and precision.
“Add to that Don Custerson’s expertise - based on a lifetime’s experience - and his skilful finishing and stocking and you have the perfect marriage of the best of traditional gunmaking skills with the finest precision engineering.
“It has none of the rather lumpy forms that usually characterise the over-and-under. This O/U is a thing of beauty to equal any traditional ‘best’ side-by-side. It has the fine lines and elegance of a ballerina and in the hand it has the balance of the finest shotguns of the past.
“Having been a side-by-side enthusiast all my life, it’s with reluctance that I have to admit this Gallyon over-and-under is such a joy to shoot. It handles spontaneously and mounts effortlessly to optimise hand and eye coordination. It mirrors precisely the line and speed of the bird and the resulting shot flatters one’s shooting.
“To shoot this gun is a remarkable experience as it comes up echoing the line and speed of the bird and the resulting shot flatters one’s shooting. You perform in a way you always dreamed of but seldom achieved.
“This gun has everything and more for the future of the gunmaker’s art.”
— Will Garfit, author, expert shot, member of The Field’s First Eleven